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Important Memo
To: Elizabeth Lofts Owners and Residents
From: Tom La Voie, CMCA, CCM, PCAM, Community Manager
Date: July 16, 2019
Re: Safety & Security Our Ref: CMI24/ELIZ176
Dear Elizabeth Lofts Residents:
We have been informed by the Board of Directors at The Encore Condominiums that two cars were vandalized in their parking garage early in the morning July 11, 2019. The Security Guard reported that this was due to residents not ensuring that the garage doors were fully closed when entering or exiting the building.
This may sound like a broken record, and you may think that we are over-reacting, but as was stated by the Board at The Encore, “It is imperative that we all do our part to protect our community.” The notice issued by The Encore Board of Directors included this statement: “PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THE GARAGE DOORS ARE FULLY CLOSED BEFORE DRIVING OFF. Failure to do so will result in a fine.”
This notice is to inform the Elizabeth residents that fines are already being levied at the Elizabeth for violations at the garage gates, following the Public Health, Safety and Security fine schedule ($250, $500, and $1,000) for each infraction after a courtesy notice has been sent. Other buildings are having the same issues, and they have instituted fines, as well. The lesson here is that there are people outside wanting to get in. It is everyone’s job to make sure that they are not successful!