Moving In & Out
Prior to your move, contact the Move Coordinator, Georgia Hughes at (503) 860-5634 14 days in advance to arrange a date & time. The Concierge can also help you if you have any questions. Please refer to the Move Procedures Policy.
Moving hours are 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Mon-Sat. No moves are allowed on Sunday.
The fee for moving in is $750 and includes the move in, Orientation, and the eventual move out. This fee is payable at closing, or before the unit is rented.
Only one move is allowed per day to insure one elevator is always available for residents’ use.
There is no charge for single-item moves — couches, bureaus, etc. — but be sure to contact the Concierge to arrange for the protective pads to be installed in the elevators.
At the end of the move all resulting debris must be removed and properly disposed.